Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Convergence Culture/communications

Jenkins analysis of Matrix trilogy . still Jenkins points to its `transmedia storytelling nature , he fails to study how this qualitatively different from Star Wars and other earlier movies , which influenced the untainted media neighborhood (Jenkins 96In my view , much(prenominal) methodological failure originates from Jenkin s expert determinism , which is transparent in his account on convergence . In Jenkins narrative technological process is divorced from the development of media saving and appears as essentially heathenish or even ideologic phenomenon . Technological progress in media , according to Jenkins , immediately matters in democratization and `consumer br empowerment . For instance , this article of religious belief is evident in Jenkins claim that consumers community may head bear the corporatio ns accountable for what they do in the name of those brands (Jenkins 112However , this lovesome belief in democratization and `consumer empowerment , as a result of technology , are essentially methodologically blemish . at that place is no denying the importance of the detail that such multimedia innovations as blogs , on-line fan clubs and games significantly add consumers media activities and communication However , they are based on change magnitude commodification of pagan realm and people lifestyles .
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Consumers loyalty to certain cultural products and brands is reproduced through top-down marketing s trategies and consolidation of media content! . Jenkins himself mentions this by citing the most efficient strategy of marketing communication : and once marketers grade segments that prove particularly lucrative or easy to go past , lifestyle marketing becomes a process of advertising the lifestyle itself , rather than using the lifestyle as a mean(a) for making a case for specific products (Jenkins 67 . accordingly , the alleged `consumer empowerment in fact represents takeover of comsumers cultural autonomy . Their participation , thus , is non in influencing the focalisation or content of media culture , barely instead , is bring down to passive response to effectual marketing strategies of media corporations . For instance , audience (fan clubs ) asks companies...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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