Thursday, December 5, 2013

Social Psychology - Week 5(2)

Running Head : RELATIONSHIP LONGEVITY AND SATISFACTIONKey Factors for a triple crown and Satisfying RelationshipYour nameYour universityYour professorYour subjectKey Factors for a Successful and Satisfying RelationshipSome relationships flourish oer the long haul , while others wither and die . Relationships aren t comprise on longevity alone , but excessively on the satisfaction and happiness it brings to the individuals involved Personally , I forswear been committed with my partner for 5 years now . We started past at a young age , until we gradually overcome unneurotic . We have experienced extreme closeness , until we had to be separated miles away because of some circumstances . But amidst that , we flow to communicate and kept in touch constantly . We were as well as able to maintain the intimacy and trust betwe en us . On the other hand , I have a relationship with a good friend that slowly blacken in time . We have been very close out front but our acquaintance was not able to endure the incarnate distance . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
We slowly lost communication , so our friendly relationship is not as strong today as compared beforeA plume of factors should be integrated for a relationship to become a successful and satisfying one . The initial and most conclusive step is open and efficient communication . For example , couples should utter about their problems immediately and not let petty fights build into huge quarrels . Time is also very essential at that place should be ti! me to communicate , share experiences , and spend moments unitedly . The individuals should also share similar interests , core beliefs , values and...If you release to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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